Saying ‘Thank you’ to Cookie Customers

Saying ‘Thank you’ to Cookie Customers There's more to Girl Scout Cookies than what is in the cookie package! When your Girl Scout sells Girl Scout Cookies , they’re learning skills which can be used in business and in everyday life. Whether she is interacting with past customers or new ones, make sure she practices good customer service! For example, when a Girl Scout says “thank you” to her cookie customers, she is learning about business ethics , communication skills , and how to be professional and polite. Saying thank you is so important! By saying thank you, you show how much you value them helping you reach your goals. Here are some unique ways that our Girl Scouts say thank you to their cookie customers. Sarah from troop 2232 and Emily from troop 2531 show their neighbors, family, and friends that they appreciate their support during cookie season by placing fulfilled orders in a hand crafted paper bag that includes a thank you note and a business card. ...