Camping Myths Debunked

Girls will get bored
at camp. This is not the case at all; finding the time to fit in all your
favorite activities is actually the problem. Taking a break from technology
might scare some girls… and the volunteers who agreed to take them to the
woods. Including the girls in the planning will keep them enthusiastic and
engaged. Go for a hike, collect shells on the beach, play a game of GaGa, roast
marshmallows or star gaze. The opportunities are endless, there’s not time for
being bored!

You a lot of supplies
to go camping. Camping doesn’t need to be elaborate; grab your sleeping bag
and a flashlight and you can be on your way. While taking a Troop camping will
require a little more preparation than that there are many conveniences that Camp Blue Bay has to offer that
will make your stay a little easier.
You’ll be very hungry.
This myth is true, but not for the reasons you think, there will be plenty of
food. All the outdoor activities you will be doing will definitely make you
hungry, just in time for a delicious campfire cooked meal. Just because you are
camping doesn’t mean you have to live on hot dogs for the weekend. Practically
anything you cook at home can be made over a fire, sometimes it’s even better.
Baked potatoes and chicken pockets with all the works for dinner and apple
crumble in the Dutch Oven for dessert, with a little creativity you’ll be fine
dining on your next camping trip.
Camping relies on
good weather. Camping is not only a summer activity, perhaps the best time
to camp is the spring and the fall when it’s not as hot and buggy. In the
winter months Camp Blue Bays’ Troop House is the perfect place to camp. Spend
the day doing your favorite camp activities just a little more bundled up, to
end the night have an indoor campfire and make some s’mores. Don’t let rain
dampen your trip! Be prepared to put on your boots and a poncho and start
singing in the rain; just because its raining doesn’t mean camp activities will
be cancelled.
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