Camping Myths Debunked

Girls don’t like camping . Our first myth is far from the truth. Girls aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves, build a fire, pitch a tent or explore the outdoors and nature. Sixty-two percent of girls said they enjoyed almost all of the outdoor activities they participated in through Girl Scouts , with camping ranking in the top three activities. Girls described camping as “fun.” They enjoy the opportunity to overcome challenges, and the feelings of accomplishment. Girls use this time to build and strengthen social bonds and hang out with friends. Girls will get bored at camp . This is not the case at all; finding the time to fit in all your favorite activities is actually the problem. Taking a break from technology might scare some girls… and the volunteers who agreed to take them to the woods. Including the girls in the planning will keep them enthusiastic and engaged. Go for a hike, collect shells on the beach, play a game of GaGa, roast marshmallows or star gaze. The oppo...