One Patch at a Time: Completing the Project C Patch Program with Your Girl Scout Troop

From Brownfield Busters and Bucket Lists to Bubbles and Bridges. Patch programs give every Girl Scout the opportunity to further explore an array of topics and learning experiences outside of traditional badge work. The impact of the patch program has given Girl Scouts the space to be innovative and persevering individuals with a passion for changing the world.

Getting Started with Council Patch Programs 

Dedicated, fun, sassy, and super-smart busy bees are just a few words used by troop leader Crystal Peterkin to describe the personality of her troop. Her comfort with children coupled with years of working in special education gave her just the right tools needed to lead a successful troop. Peterkin has had great success in implementing the patch program for her Girl Scouts and leads by example. “In the beginning, it was slow to start - patch programs were new for me, the parents, and the girls. So, of course, there was apprehension.” Over time a shift began to happen, and she noticed the troops’ willingness to do extra things that weren’t a requirement which helped her champion patch programs.

“I want Girl Scouts to learn from this experience, it’s more than just a patch for me. It’s an opportunity to spark innovation and use what they love to do to advance their goals. I make sure they know nothing comes easy; they have to work! Letting them choose what they want to do keeps the spark alive. Once they see the involvement of other kids, they automatically have an interest.”

Working toward the Project C Patch Program

Working toward the Project C Patch Program gave Peterkin great anticipation. It was exciting for her to discover how each girl would display their understanding of the patch and National Grid. “Watching them search the internet and talk with friends and family about their perspective on clean energy showed me just how much they wanted to understand and form their own opinions.” She recommends other troop leaders allow the girls to follow their own path to understanding. Keep it girl-led!

GSNC partnered with Project C/ National Grid to teach our girls how to strengthen our neighborhoods from the ground up. Girl Scouts of all levels have the opportunity to earn all four free patches by learning about the four pillars of Project C/National Grid: Clean Energy and Sustainability; Environmental Justice and Social Equity; Neighborhood Development and Community Engagement; and Workforce Development.

“The biggest takeaway is truly seeing just how much there was to learn about natural and man-made energy.”


For every troop leader who has considered implementing this patch program, let this be your sign to do it! Remember, it only takes one child to inspire great participation. Have fun!


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