New Patch Program

November 2017 marks the 100-year anniversary of New York women gaining the right to vote—three years before the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted women nationwide the right to vote. The New York victory represented the culmination of the dedication and hard work of dozens of New York women over many years. In 2020 the Centennial of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote will be celebrated across the nation. This year our state is celebrating the role it played in advancing the right of women to vote. Teach your Troop about the strides women made toward the right to vote with the Centennial Women’s Suffrage in New York Girl Scout Patch Program! Reserve 1950’s Fun and Games Box from the VRC to complete step number 6 in the patch program. Reserve the kit by emailing or by following these steps: 1. Go to 2. Click on Volunteers 3. Click on Volunteer Resource Center 4. Click on VRC Materials Request Form 5. Type 1950’s Fu...