WOW, this year went by faster than you can say "Girl Scouts Rock!"
It seems like it was just a few
weeks ago that I was trudging through a torrential downpour to find parking at
the Tilles Center for the 2014 Cookie Kickoff ... When I got inside, it was
warm, FUN and the place was hopping with displays, games, snacks, a movie and
DANCING! (I can't wait for January 10, 2015 when we kick it off again with the Samoas Birthday Bash! Who knew that less than a year later we'd be adding a Digital Order Card to our Girl Scout Cookie Program?)
March was so much fun as GIRLS
took the lead as presenters at the Adult Recognitions Event! We can never do or
say enough to thank and honor our VOLUNTEERS who go so many extra miles to give
girls the gift of Girl Scouting.
May and June are always a
whirl-wind with our Council Gold Award Event and all the local award events
that our Associations host to recognize the girls in their communities who earn
the Bronze Award,
Silver Award and Gold
Award. This year, we had 72 Girl
Scouts earn their Gold Award in Nassau County and many more who earned their Silver an
d Bronze Awards. Thank you for inviting me and the members of our Board and staff leadership to join you in celebration!
Summertime in Girl Scout world means
camping ... Camp Blue Bay
and Summer Fun Day Camp at Wantagh Park are chockablock with FUN, nature, friendships and
yummy S’mores. I love SUMMER!!!
And after working hard all year,
we hosted our first GSNC STEM Conference for girls. We could not have done it
without the leadership and support of our STEM Advisory Committee and Hofstra
University who provided space, faculty and student volunteers! And the grant we
received from ATT will continue to support the Conference and other STEM
outreach to our girls.
February was time for our FIRST
Lego Teams to show their stuff, with qualifying tournaments, regional finals
and another opportunity for a GSNC Team to go to the World Finals. Congrats to
all, and extra kudos to The Icebreakers who capped their six years in FIRST
with a third trip to the World Championships!

In April, we had beautiful
weather and a perfect day for our "5th Annual Girls Go the Distance
Walkathon and Activity Fair." Girls and their families had so much fun
being active together, taking part in program activities and petting the horse!
I highly recommend taking part in the 6th Annual Girls Go the Distance Walkathon and Activity
d Bronze Awards. Thank you for inviting me and the members of our Board and staff leadership to join you in celebration!

This summer 19 high school-aged
Girl Scouts took part in our inaugural Career Exploration Camp conducted by North
Shore-LIJ Health System. My day to
serve as staff chaperone just happened to be the day that was spent in the
Operating Rooms! I still find it hard to believe that I was there with girls
seeing real surgeries on real people! What an amazing opportunity these girls
And then it all begins again
with our Girl Scout "Back to Troop" activities ... We enjoyed bowling
the day away at the Bowling Bash, had a scavenger hunt at Broadway Mall, and
added Memories to our Mag&Munchies Program. We made new friends and
reconnected with old friends as Troops gathered again to plan, take a Journey,
and have FUN!

And this month GSNC became one of the first Councils in the
country to launch Digital Cookie... I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store
for our girls.
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