WOW, this year went by faster than you can say "Girl Scouts Rock!"

It seems like it was just a few weeks ago that I was trudging through a torrential downpour to find parking at the Tilles Center for the 2014 Cookie Kickoff ... When I got inside, it was warm, FUN and the place was hopping with displays, games, snacks, a movie and DANCING! (I can't wait for January 10, 2015 when we kick it off again with the Samoas Birthday Bash ! Who knew that less than a year later we'd be adding a Digital Order Card to our Girl Scout Cookie Program ?) February was time for our FIRST Lego Teams to show their stuff, with qualifying tournaments, regional finals and another opportunity for a GSNC Team to go to the World Finals. Congrats to all, and extra kudos to The Icebreakers who capped their six years in FIRST with a third trip to the World Championships! March was so much fun as GIRLS took the lead as presenters at the Adult Recognitions Event! We can never do or say enough to thank and honor our VOLUNTEERS who go so many extra miles to give girls the...