Girl Scout Governance and National Council Session Podcast Episode

In our March podcast episode, we’re excited to dive into Governance with you! Governance is the democratic process through which Girl Scout members can represent their communities and participate in guiding the council's strategic direction. You’ll learn how Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors can get involved by shaping our local council as association delegates, serving on board committees, and by creating change within the Girl Scout movement at the national level! The National Council Session is the national business meeting where delegates from every council across the nation and USA Girl Scouts Overseas meet to discuss, debate, and vote on issues important to the Girl Scout Movement, and elect national leaders for the next triennium. We encourage you to tune into this episode to also learn how you can introduce this topic to your troop. Even if your Girl Scouts are not of age yet, that’s okay! Listen in to get familiar with the details involved. Then, consi...