Earn your 2017 National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend Participation Patch

How you can take part in National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend 2017? Mark your calendars for February 24-26, 2017 and get ready to celebrate another great National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend! · Hold a Cookie Booth Sale. A booth sale is when a Troop sets up a table or booth at a public location and displays and sells boxes of cookies directly to customers, allowing them to eat Girl Scout Cookies right away. So get out there and bling your booth! · Go door-to-door with your Girl Scout Cookie Order Form . Ask your neighbors if they purchased all of their Girl Scout Cookies? Call your relatives and tell them about your goals for the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Educate your teachers about all that you learn by selling Girl Scout Cookies. They might want #OneMoreBox! · Get Social . If you have Facebook or Twitter account, post about Girl Scout Cookies and...