Tricks of the Girl Scout Cookie Selling Trade

By: Isabella I, Troop 2185 Every year, I sell a lot of Girl Scout Cookies . The number one question I get is “how”? First, I look at the number of Cookies I sold the previous year. Then I add to that number, and that creates my goal. During Cookie season I dedicate all my free time to selling. I wear Cookie costumes. They aren’t only a cute sales tactic, but an extra layer of warmth. I ask everyone that passes if they would like to buy Cookies or make a donation. Selling takes a lot of dedication and perseverance not only because of the freezing temperatures, but because a lot of people say “no” when they are asked. Being able to accept rejection is a skill that I have learned through the Cookie Program. Another skill I have become a pro at is staying warm in freezing temperatures. Now some of the secrets to Cookie selling have been uncovered! While selling Cookies is hard work, it really pays off in the end. This year, I earned a trip, with my mom, to Washington D.C. We went t...