Top National Honor Goes to Nassau County Girl Scout

Girl Scouts of Nassau County (GSNC) is happy to announce that Julie Kapuvari was selected for one of Girl Scout’s highest honors, and was named by Girl Scouts of the USA as one of the “2015 National Young Women of Distinction ,” for her Gold Award project , “Pollination Project: Don’t Bee Afraid, Bee-lieve.” for addressing the issue of Colony Collapse Disorder which affects the honeybee population. This special honor and designation by Girl Scouts of the USA showcases Julie Kapuvari’s extraordinary leadership over a project that had measureable and sustainable impact and addressed a global issue. Julie is a 2015 graduate of Massapequa High School and was one of only 10 young women nationwide to receive the award. Kapuvari discovered that since 2006, beekeepers have been experiencing major colony losses of 30% to 90% of their apiaries that were later attributed to Colony Collapse Disorder. This has been directly harming commercial beekeeping and pollination operations....