Our Bronze Award... If you are thirsty your dog is too!

Plainedge Girl Scout Junior Troop #3456 started their Bronze Award project in June of 2013. Krystyna, Erica, Jessica, Sarah, Julia, Gianna, Natalia and Jacklyn decided that they wanted to positively impact the lives of animals. After much research, the girls decided to focus on making the world a better place for dogs. They wanted to permanently place water bowls in dog parks for people who forget to bring water for their dogs. They met with the owners of Marine Dog Supply. The Amato brothers helped the girls think their project through during a lively discussion. After evaluating the pros and cons of their idea, they decided that public water bowls may spread diseases. The girls hit the road again. Their next field trip was to the Last Hope Animal Shelter. There they learned that different breeds face different issues. For example, because of the facial structure of Pugs they take a very long time to drink a very small amount of water therefore requiring more frequent opportuni...