Girl Scouts: So much more than s'mores...

If you were to ask a non-Girl Scout what Girl Scouting is about, what would they say to you? Cookies? Crafts? S’mores? Well, we’re here to tell you, Girl Scouts is way more than Cookies, Crafts and S’mores! In a recent study of nearly 2,000 Girl Scout alumnae, 49 percent described “camping trips” as one of the most positive aspects of their Girl Scout experience—ranking it just behind “fun” and “friendships with Girl Scouts.” (GSRI, 2014) This comes as no surprise when you consider that Girl Scout camp gives girls a chance to have FUN with both OLD AND NEW FRIENDS ! The Girl Scout Research Institute’s latest report, More Than S’mores: Successes and Surprises in Girl Scouts’ Outdoor Experiences , discusses how Girl Scout Camp not only keeps girls active, but gives girls the opportunity to spend time in nature which provides “novelty and challenge, which further enhances leadership skills.” (GSRI, 2014) Camping is considered the number-one most memorable outdoor...