Girl Scout Cookie Twitter Party

Party Details Girl Scout Cookie Twitter Party Date : Wednesday, February 5 Time : 9:00-10:00pm EST Location : Twitter or a Twitter platform Hashtags : #gno #CookieBoss Wondering what a Twitter Party is or how to participate in a Twitter Party? A Twitter Party is an event where a specific topic is discussed on Twitter. Are you on Twitter? If not, you first need to join Twitter to take part in the National Girl Scout Cookie Twitter Party. Here is a Twitter tutorial by Mom it Forward>> Once you have your Twitter account open, you need to start following the National Girl Scout Cookie Twitter Party hosts. They are @GirlScouts and @MomItForward. Now that you are following the hosts, on Wednesday, February 5 th at 9:00pm EST follow the hashtag #GNO which stands for Girls Night Out and don’t forget to refresh to see new tweets. If you see a tweet you like, re-tweet it! If @GirlScouts or @MomItForward poses a question, answer it. But, if you ...