Girl Scouting in July!

It’s hard to believe, but Monday starts July! Being Girl Scouts, who are always prepared, prepare yourself for the upcoming month with… Girl Scouting in July. June 1 st marks the beginning of National Clean Beached Week. Living on Long Island, we are surrounded by beaches. This is the perfect time to get your Girl Scout Troop together to take a walk along the beach… while you’re at it, make your beach a clean beach by picking up any trash you may find while on your walk. Who knows… this walk may inspire your troop to Take Action through a Take Action Project . July 4 th is Independence Day! Bring your troop together to work on one of the cooking badges with a BBQ theme. Brownies can work on the Snacks badge by making snacks as the appetizers, while Juniors work towards earning the Simple Meals badge, Cadettes can turn this Fourth of July BBQ into a tour of different dishes made in the USA since 1776 while earning their New Cuisines bad...