A Letter Home: A Day at Camp Blue Bay Sleepaway Camp! By Guest Blogger Catherine Mottola-King

Dear Mom, Camp Blue Bay is great! Each day starts with a counselor waking you up and telling you what you’ll need for the day. Don’t worry, they remind me to put on sunscreen and brush my teeth. Canoeing at Camp Blue Bay Before breakfast, there is a flag ceremony . Then we eat! We can sit wherever we want, so I like to sit with my friends (I’ve made a ton... some are Girl Scouts , some aren't, but that's okay because you don't have to be a Girl Scout to go to Girl Scout Camp), my sister (she’s in a different unit), and my favorite swimming counselor. My favorite breakfast is muffin Monday. I also have 2 bowls of cereal, they have lots of kinds to choose from. After breakfast, we met back up with our unit so that we could head for boating. We sang songs the whole way there. We put on our PFDs to get ready. I’m taking canoeing lessons this week. Today, I learned how to paddle for...