The Fully Dressed Girl Scout Daisy

What is a fully dressed Daisy Girl Scout? It is a Daisy who shows her Girl Scout spirit through her appearance; she is telling the world that she is a Girl Scout Daisy! From her Daisy Tunic to her Daisy Girl Scout Smile, she is showing her friends and her sisters that she is ready to learn all there is for Daisies to learn. Daisy Girl Scout: Top 12 1. DAISY TUNIC : Allows a Daisy to display her accomplishments and stay clean. 2. AMERICAN FLAG PATCH : The American Flag Patch represents the USA flag. 3. DAISY COUNCIL ID STRIP : Shows what council a Daisy belongs to. 4. DAISY TROOP NUMERALS : Shows what Troop a Daisy belongs to. 5. DAISY GIRL SCOUT INSIGNIA TAB : Holds the World Trefoil Pin and the Daisy Girl Scout Membership Pin. 6. OFFICIAL 100th ANNIVERSARY PIN : Wear this pin to celebrate 100 years of Girl Scouting . 7. GIRL SCOUT DAISY PIN : Worn only by Daisy Girl Scouts, shows that a girl is a Daisy Girl Scout. 8. WORLD ASSOCIATION PIN (WAGGGS Pin...