The Secret Power of Gold By Guest Blogger James Langan

For thousands of years, gold has been pressed into coins, crafted into jewelry, and molded into art by far-flung cultures around the globe - the ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Incas come to mind, to name but a few. Gold is rare and beautiful and does not rust. It signifies quality, excellence, and prosperity. It is also a metaphor for perfection and remains one of humanity’s most powerful symbols – whose myriad and indelible meanings have been forged over the ages. The Gold Award, the highest honor bestowed to girls by the Girl Scouts of USA, embodies many of these meanings – and is at the same time the faithful reflection of the perseverance and ingenuity of its recipients. In fact, the path to the Girl Scout Gold Award is filled with exciting challenges that bring out the best in those special individuals plucky enough to take them on. Each Gold Award candidate must identify and research an issue affecting the community; she must then build a team and work to d...