Mags&Munchies! By Guest Blogger Fran McAllister

Fran McAllister, Team Manager Program Promotion It’s hard to believe that fall is here already. If you’re like me, a busy working mom, you’re already thinking of your holiday shopping. To make my life easier, every year I take advantage of the Girl Scout Mags&Munchies product sales. I purchase magazines, nuts and candies for my family, friends, hair stylist, children’s teachers, and our bus driver. Not only are they great gifts, but they’re reasonably priced. I can give something to everyone without breaking the bank. My family looks forward to receiving all of their favorites and with 15 different products to choose from, there’s something for everyone. This year they even have a gluten-free product, Blueberry Pomegranate nut crunch. I always give the teachers a tin, but this year there is an old fashioned schoolhouse tin with delicious chocolate covered pretzels that is perfect for a teacher and our bus driver too. I have a neighbor who was a...