How the 5 Skills of the Girl Scout Cookie Program Shape a Girl’s Future

When a Girl Scout has learned the five skills ( goal setting , decision making , money management, dealing with people, business ethics) of the Girl Scout Cookie Program she’ll be ready for success! Think about it. These skills will help a girl through her academic career and are also skills that employers seek –whether it’s a bank, a high tech company, a hospital, a publishing house, a car dealership, an accounting firm or even the local pet store. Every teacher and every employer wants: Someone who sets goals and meets deadlines. Blowing a deadline can jeopardize a grade and it can mean blowing a deal. Someone who works well with others. As a boss, I know that I don’t want to deal with strife and complaining amongst my team! Someone who understands about money. There is a real difference between earning your way and getting an “allowance.” People who understand the relationship between earning and buying make better decisions with their own money. And, they learn ...