People Skills and Business Ethics

There is just about a month to go on the Girl Scout Cookie Program here at the Girl Scouts of Nassau County . Initial orders are in and delivered, but girls can still build their Troop treasuries and meet their goals by taking additional orders and participating in Booth Sales. And, we do hope that girls are focused on meeting the goals that they set, implementing the decisions that they made and are seeing their money-management skills put to work. There are two other areas that are important to the Girl Scout Cookie Program: “People Skills” and “Business Ethics.” Let’s look at how these come into play… People skills are needed when we reach out to develop customers. Everyone can be a potential customer, but in order to turn an individual from a potential to a paying customer a girl needs to make a connection. Maybe she did that using the Cookie Club and sent out an initial email. Perhaps she called friends and family on the telephone to ask them to support her and her Troop...