Trivia Contest 2010!

The Great Girl Scout Trivia Contest is back and now’s your chance to play, have fun and possibly win! You may have noticed that over the past year our Council has warmly embraced social media and you’ve been able to better interact with us using this “new” technology. The first Great Girl Scout Trivia Contest we held last year was such a success that we’ve decided to do it again! Each week for six weeks starting Monday, February 15th and ending the week of March 22nd, we will announce a trivia question via our Twitter and Facebook Fan Page sites. To play along simply answer the trivia question. If you answer correctly, you will be eligible to win a Girl Scout goodie bag which includes two boxes of our famous Girl Scout Cookies . Answers and winners will be announced on Friday at 12 noon of that week. So stay tuned to our Twitter hashtag #GSNCTrivia and Facebook Fan Page for trivia question announcements every Monday at 12 noon for the next few weeks. We hope that you have fun!