Meet the Chief Volunteer Officer!

Over my career, I have worked alongside outstanding volunteers who make time in their lives, careers and families to take on the special leadership role of serving an organization as Chief Volunteer Officer. The volunteer leadership of any not-for-profit organization has to have a balance of chutzpah and humility, a willingness to put herself in a spokesperson role, to put in time behind the scenes doing the schmoozing and strategizing. She has to believe passionately in the work of the organization. Her reward is not dollars or glory, but the satisfaction of carrying on the legacy of the organization until it is time for the next person to step forward … I am proud to introduce Diane McFarlane, Esq., Girl Scouts of Nassau County’s new President and Chief Volunteer Officer! I have had the privilege of working with Diane for the past six years, first on the Council Nominating Committee, then as Member-at-Large of the Board of Directors and most recently as Executive Vice President ...