Cookie Goals for Girls

For this year’s upcoming Girl Scout Cookie Program® we are focusing on goal setting as a tool for each girl to learn valuable business skills that will help her as she moves forward in life, and that will aid each girl and her Troop to become more self-sufficient and able to do more things – with less money from parents . Things such as trips, activities, and projects that support community action and service. This year, in addition to earning Cookie Credits, each girl and her family can chose to track funds toward her Girl Scout activities. – Parents, please speak to your Troop Leader for more info on this option. So now the question is, what kind of goals are appropriate for a Girl Scout Troop, or for an individual girl? Here are some examples that girls in Nassau County and across the country have set for their goals in recent years… Troops may want to work toward: Travel – A special camping adventure, a visit to a dude ranch, a trip to the Girl Scout birthplace in Savannah, a...