I am Thankful for…
Thanksgiving weekend! A time to count our many blessings -- mixed together with family, friends, feasts and football! Counting blessings can be a full-time endeavor... For the month of November, I answered a Facebook challenge to post something each and every day for which I am thankful. I started off with the biggies -- my faith, my family and friends, and my great fortune to have the best job in the whole world. After almost a month, I feel as though I've just begun to scratch the surface. Naming names for all the people who have impacted my life would literally fill a small town phone book. Just to name a few, I am thankful for… the joy and gratitude that comes from being an American citizen. the opportunities that I have been given. the ability to volunteer and all those who volunteer. being blessed to have been born with good healthy genes. the people who made sure I got through childhood with the things I needed. all the small things....