Operation Cookie and The Confidence Girls Gain from Participating

Operation Cookie Send-off #2

Last week, those Girl Scouts who sold at least 100 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies for Operation Cookie celebrated at the Marine Base on Stewart Avenue in Garden City with a special send-off of Cookies going to local New York National Guard and Military Reserve units (those who helped during Super Storm Sandy). 

We were greeted by Sergeant Moreno and other members of the team at the Marine Base.  She told the girls about the work that goes on at that location.  We were joined by representatives from our Operation Cookie partners, DHL Global, who assisted in sending Cookies to other locations.  (We could not have Operation Cookie without DHL!) Hooray for DHL!

A BIG HOORAY and THANK YOU to the many Girl Scouts who go the extra miles to make Operation Cookie a major feature of their own Cookie Program efforts! Some girls ask customers to just add one more box for the soldiers when they take orders or at their booth sales.  Others have special collection boxes and signs at their booth sales. 

Here is a great example of how one troop reaches their goal. Working with their local parish, Troop 1099 sets aside a Sunday to collect money for Operation Cookie.   The girls each say a few words to the congregation at the services, and then they wait by the doors to accept donations.  This year, they collected over $2800 for Operation Cookie… enough to send 700+ boxes of Girl Scout Cookies to the military.  Parents from the Troop told me how much they have seen their own girls grow and learn from this work; the girls have improved their public speaking, and more importantly they have felt the spirit of generosity from the parish and have come to feel that they are the conduit for something very important . 

Wouldn't it be amazing if all of our houses of worship allowed the Girl Scouts in their community the same opportunity each year? To make a pitch and just wait at the doors to collect the generosity that flows from us here at home to the men and women who are serving our country through military service.   

It all begins with an ASK ...  

 Are you courageous and confident enough to ask your priest, pastor or rabbi to allow you the opportunity?


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