
Showing posts from April, 2013

What Girl Scouts Can Do on Memorial Day!

Memorial Day is not just the unofficial start of the summer, but a day for us to honor and remember those men and women who died while serving in the U.S. Military.   The third line of the Girl Scout Promise states “…to serve God and my Country...” Memorial Day is a great day, for us as Girl Scouts, to remember others who have served our country. How do we do this? This year, Memorial Day is Monday, May 27!  Start out the day by participating in your community’s Memorial Day Parade… Wave your flags high and march forward with honor wearing your Girl Scout Uniform. If you are looking for a flag, the GSNC Resource Room usually has some flags for loan, but get there early otherwise they may not have anything left.  If your town has a monument to those who served, have your Troop make wreathes and hold a ceremony to place those wreathes at the monument or simply take a Troop trip to that monument to reflect and respect those who served. Spend the day with yo...

Summertime for Girl Scouts!

Summer may not be here yet, but it will be here soon.   Now is the time to start thinking about and planning what you are going to do this summer with your Girl Scouts. Are you going to take a trip to the beach, plan a BBQ (maybe to work on your Junior Simple Meal badge or the Ambassador Dinner Party badge ), play some sports or work in the Garden? As you start thinking about your summer vacation, the Girl Scouts of Nassau County Programs Department is busy preparing many exciting experiences and new opportunities for girls to participate in.   Here are a few that might interest you… Camper Badge Program for Juniors - Camping is a great way to share time together. Before you plan your camping adventure, come learn some outdoor skills to use on your trip. You’ll learn what things you need to bring and what to leave home; how to tie some knots, use a map as you take a short hike in the woods and how to cook and clean up. This program is a good way to practice some o...

Girl Scout Leader Day and Volunteer Appreciation Week

 Every Volunteer Has a Story The best part of having the best job in the world is that I am doing work that I know impacts girls who are growing each day in courage, confidence and character as they strive to make the world a better place .    Another outstanding part of the job is that I get to share my joy and conviction with the seven thousand adult Girl Scout VOLUNTEERS who are the "feet on the street"; actually working directly with the girls, as well as those who do behind the scenes work to raise money, do paperwork, and just be helpers.   I see girls in programs and activities and I observe their joy, their curiosity and the learning and action that takes place as a result of their being part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience ... I know that none of it would happen were it not for the boocoodles of time, energy and commitment given by the adults who VOLUNTEER for this job. The hardest part of my job is finding enough ways to say T...

City Scrambler 2013 was a Success!

Girl Scouts of Nassau County's City Scrambler 2013 was a Huge Success! GSNC Girl Scouts at the Battery Urban Farm As many of you see from our Facebook and Twitter postings, as well as what we post on our Programs page on our website , GSNC offers a variety of programs for girls of all ages that develop skills that build courage, confidence and character.   From learning how to tie knots in the Camper Badge program and baiting fishing line in the I Fish NY program to drawing comic strips in the Comic Artist program and star gazing in the Night Owl program , girls have the opportunity to participate in a wide array of programs that may suit many different interests.   GSNC Girl Scouts Drawing Ledger Art Last weekend, I had the privilege to attend GSNC’s City Scrambler 2013.   The Fourth Annual City Scrambler focused on the beauty and history of lower Manhattan. It was a fun-filled day that tested the skills of a team.   Working together, the gi...