GSNC Announces New Mini Summer Camp Sessions
The Girl Scouts of Nassau County (GSNC) recently announced the addition of brand new Summer Camp Mini Session for Cadettes. The mini session, offered to all individual Cadette Girl Scouts, ages 11- 13, will be held at Camp Blue Bay in East Hampton, NY on August 4-7, 2014. “We wanted to offer girls the opportunity to have a complete camping experience even if they are not ready for a full session of sleep-away camp,” said Donna Ceravolo, Executive Director and CEO of GSNC. “Through this unique, four-day camp session Cadettes will be able to learn valuable life skills and also work on team-building activities.” The August mini session, Adventure Fun, will focus on team-building games and activities on a low ropes course. Girls will get to challenge themselves and their teammates as they complete each element of the course. Girl Scouts will spend the four days and three nights at Camp Blue Bay participating in campfires and cookouts, nature programs, boating, swimming, ar...