Girl Scouting in August!
It’s hard to believe, but Thursday starts August! Being Girl Scouts, who are always prepared, prepare yourself for the upcoming month with… Girl Scouting in August. August 4 th celebrate National Sisters' Day by sending out cards to your closest friends and Girl Scout sisters. Consider having your Cadettes, Seniors or Ambassadors form friendships with younger Girl Scouts by having them teach the art of friendship bracelet making. In the end, the girls can trade their friendship bracelets as a way to show their bonds! Additionally, encourage your girls to make new friends this year, which will earn them their “Make New Friends” fun patch. Remember, just as Vi, the Daisy flower friend teaches us, be a sister to every Girl Scout. Talk to your Cadettes about exploring the world of financial literacy and math skills involved in the home décor and fashion industries at our program Designer Division, Stylish Subtraction, and Fashionable Fractions . From August...