
Showing posts from April, 2017

Everything you need to know for 2018 Spring Renewal!

It’s official!! We have launched our new online registration process. She’s a G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™, and we can help her unleash that greatness again this year. Together, let’s make sure she benefits from another extraordinary year of positive energy, excitement, and experiences that will help her build the skills she needs today and tomorrow. She is the future, and we can help her build it. Here is your step-by-step guide to renew her Girl Scout membership today: (Note: Please check with your Troop Leader to see if they plan to return or if additional leadership is needed. Consider volunteering!) Visit Click " My GS " in the navigation bar and select "Member Profile." You will be prompted to log in to the MY GS Member Community. Enter your email address and password that you set up when you received your “Welcome to the Girl Scout Member Community” email and click the green “Log In” button. If y...

Earth Day 2017

Earth day is April 22nd. Here are some activities you can do with your Troop to celebrate: Visit a recycling center to learn the importance of recycling Make a bird feeder Go on a nature hunt Do a park clean up Plant a tree/flowers in your community Have a recycle relay race. The first team that sorts each material in its designated box wins. Remember to visit us in the Volunteer Resource Center for help with your Troop planning needs. Book your appointment now by emailing .

Volunteer Appreciation Day is April 22!

Dear Girl Scout Volunteer; Without you, a GSNC Volunteer, the lives of many girls in our community would be missing a vital connection. Their connection to one another, to their community, to their current friends and friends they have yet to make, and their connection to you. Because you do what you do as a Mom, Dad, Aunt, Grandparent, Friend and Girl Scout Volunteer, girls’ lives are impacted in the most positive way. Every badge or award, every event, every Girl Scout meeting, every recitation of the Promise & Law, every little thing you do…makes a positive impact that is priceless to the girls you lead and support.  So…. Because The Girl By Mimi Murray, a GSUSA National Operational Volunteer Because the girl has a need, we have an obligation. Because the girl has a choice, we must be her better choice. Because the girl has high expectations, we must excel. Because the girl wants to explore, we must be her guide. Because the girl wants to bel...