Bridging Ceremonies Podcast Episode
Let’s talk about bridging! If you’re not familiar, bridging is a beloved Girl Scout tradition that honors girls’ achievements throughout the year and celebrates their “crossing the bridge” to the next Girl Scout level. Girl Scout troops hold their bridging ceremony in May or June, and some tie it to the end of the girls’ current school year. When are Girl Scouts ready to bridge? Grade 1 Daisies bridge to Brownies Grade 3 Brownies bridge to Juniors Grade 5 Juniors bridge to Cadettes Grade 8 Cadettes bridge to Seniors Grade 10 Seniors bridge to Ambassadors Grade 12 Ambassadors bridge to adults Even if your troop is not ready to bridge yet, remember, this episode will always be available for you to come back to, when you’re ready! We’ll discuss how to plan a bridging ceremony and how to keep it girl-led, who you can get involved, the insignia you’ll want to include, how to customize it to fit your troop’s needs, and resources you can use to make the planning process a breez...