
Showing posts from May, 2017

Why is Family Partnership Important?

As a parent of a Girl Scout, you want her to reach her highest potential, which is one of the reasons why you chose Girl Scouts. With Girl Scouts she can become a Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker and Leader. You can help us continue to bring programs and activities that benefit your daughter and her Girl Scout sisters by making a donation towards Family Partnership. When you invest in a girl you will change the world! Family Partnership giving supports : Financial Assistance - No girl is ever turned away from Girl Scouts of Nassau County due to her family’s financial limitations.  Financial Assistance can include, but is not limited to: membership and participation fees; uniform pieces; equipment and supply fees; and camp fees FREE Council Patch Programs and the cost underwriting for specialized Council programs GirlFriends Newsletter

Why Girl Scout Camping is Awesome

by Jillian K. Every year I get super excited when I register and count down the days till I am back at camp. Being part of Girl Scouts since I was a Daisy has taught me to be independent and more grown up, so I have learned to pack my own bag. I have to fit everything into one big duffle bag: pack two weeks of clothes, a sleeping bag, sheets, beach and bath towels, toiletries, flashlights, stationary with pre-stamped envelopes, books, and NO food. Food is not allowed at camp because all of the wildlife around camp. Being at camp has also taught me how to have manners especially at the table and kapers at cookout. Camp Blue Bay (CBB) has taught me so much every summer that I want to continue to grow and give back: this summer I'll be a counselor-in-training (CIT). Camp is on Gardiners Bay in East Hampton so everyday we go swimming. Every other day we go sailing and it is always beautiful out on the bay. On the other side of camp is the Creek. The Creek is where you can...