
Showing posts from May, 2016

The Museum of American Armor’s Girl Scout Leadership Challenge Essay Contest

A few weeks ago we posted an opportunity for girls to enter The Museum of American Armor’s Girl Scout Leadership Challenge, which encouraged girls to submit essays that would highlight a better understanding of the heroes within our own families and those throughout our communities. Lauren’s essay received the First Place Award. The other winners are listed after the essay. We are very proud of all the girls who entered this essay contest.   Please take a few minutes to read the essay – We hope you’ll find it as inspiring as we did! And, most importantly, keep those who served - and those who still serve - our country in your thoughts over the weekend.     Lauren’s Essay:  OO-RAH was a call I heard since I was a baby.  Every holiday with my Pop Pop and uncles, this call was always shouted as soon as they saw each other. It took me years to understand what it truly meant though.  It was used as a battle cry...